Monday, May 20, 2013

Hattie 18 months

This was definitely my favorite, most fun photo shoot thus far! I hadn't been back to IU campus for over 7 years, and this time of year it is just so beautiful with the spring tulips. So I thought, why not...lets head to Bloomington for the day! It was a beautiful day as Hattie and I parked on Kirkwood, started off on a stroller ride to the sample gates. We had a brief photo session there, then took another stroller ride/walk through the walking paths and student buildings and ended up at Dunn Meadow. We camped out there and played and explored. Next we headed to get some IU t-shirts on Kirkwood. Finally we drove to my freshman dorm, Briscoe and captured a few more great pictures. Lots of memories remembered, and new memories created with my sweet little Hattie! My mom says I should include one of these pictures with her future IU college application  :)


3mo old and sibling shoot

Monday, November 19, 2012

Third "Dustin McKinley" family shoot

Levi: age 2
Caleb: age 4

This was my first photo shoot shooting in manual mode!

Caleb was a great subject this year! He was able to listen, stay still, and smile when asked...although he did loose his patience a little later on with the family photos. Levi on the other hand is still a busy moving guy. The individual pics of the boys were pretty easy, as I had at least one parent helping me 'pose' and 'direct' the boys while I captured the shot. However, the family photos were more difficult....trying to get both the boys to look at the camera and maybe smile, and also trying to have the parents looked relaxed! This is a time when those candid, non traditional funny pictures really come in to play!


Oh my...was this a tough age to shoot. Hattie wouldn't stay still for a single second. She was also teething and was either extremely cranky and irritable or always had to have her hand or item in her mouth to chew on! So...needless to say these photos took several different days and MANY MANY shots.

First Birthday Party!